Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Parshah Korach: Rebellion

Parshah Korach is interesting because it deals with rebellion.

In the Torah, a guy named Korach challenges Moses and Aaron, saying that He-Bro's put themselves above the rest of the tribe.

Korach makes a really great point:

"You take too much upon yourselves, for the entire congregation are all holy, and the Lord is in their midst. So why do raise yourselves above the Lord's assembly?"

Honestly, if I was wandering the desert for 40 years with Moses and Aaron, I'd have the same damn question.

Moses throws himself down on the desert sand and begins to pray. But then he summons up a holy anger, and Double Dog Dare's Korach in the Temple.

G_d, in his constantly pissed off state of mind, makes the earth swallow a portion of Korach's followers and gives the rest a plague. G_d wants to destroy them all, but Moses (as usual) bargains with G_d and everything turns out ok.

The punk rocker part of me wants to side with Korach. How dare anyone put themselves above anyone else? Korach made sense when he said that G_d is with all people and that no one has the right to claim favorites.

But look closely at what's going on. Moses is, after all, actually talking to G_d. He's not some nutty televangelist claiming that G_d appeared in his cheese sandwich and wants $400,000 for a new airplane. Moses has this connection to G_d that none of these people have, including Korach.

So maybe Korach isn't mad at Moses and Aaron. Maybe he's just mad at G_d. He's angry that he doesn't get to go on top of mountains and carry around some tablets. But because G_d isn't as close to him as Moses and Aaron are, it's easier for him to "Viva La Revalucion" against Moses.

Misplaced anger is a terrible thing. Ever get into a fight with your lover, friend, family member, because you were really upset about something else, and just wanted to take it out on someone?

It's my belief that Korach wasn't trying to start a Populist revolt. I think his real aim was to get out his anger against G_d. Unfortunately, poor Moses was standing at the right place, at exactly the right time. And even worse for Korach, his fury ended up killing him and his followers.

So what should we do when we're angry like this? Let it out! That's OK. If you're angry against angry! G_d can take it. If you're angry against someone, let them know. Just make sure you're angry at the right person, for the right reason. Otherwise, you'll end up destroying yourself and the people close to you, just like Korach did.

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